I am a good Columbia boy!
HEADS UP: TODAY IS THE ECOREPS GREEN SALE!! 9 am-4 pm in the Wien Lounge!! Go get that mini fridge!!!!!
Happening in the world: While it remains unconfirmed that North Korea set off a hydrogen bomb, experts from China and South Korea said that the explosion caused an underground blast that is four to sixteen times more powerful than the ones that the North had set off before. (The NY Times)
Happening in the nation: In response to Trump’s readiness to scrap DACA, a small but growing number of Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, are pushing back against the president and seeking to come up with a “comprehensive legislative solution.” (BBC)
Happening in NYC: The West Indian Parade, a seven-hour New York carnival with steel-pan and calypso bands in elaborate costumes marching down Eastern Parkway, is happening today starting from 11 am at the Brooklyn Museum. (Timeout)
Happening on campus: “Art of “Whose” People,” an art exhibition curated by Yasi Fetrati, will be on display from Sep 5th to Sep 29th at the Leroy Neiman Gallery. It is said to “tackle politics on its edge, where nation is merely a narrative, the utopia of humanist Globalism is corrupted by market, and the ultimate audience, the “people,” is a question.”
WELCOME TO COLUMBIA, first-years! Persist like Liza Minnelli–it may not necessarily be pretty, but it is admirable!
1 Comment
@Anonymous You know professulas like foreign students because they ask fewer questions, expect less faculty effort, and can be intimidated to look the other way on grant fraud and fake science/