Happening in the world: As pressure has built on North Korea through sanctions by the US and China, Russians are weakening this economic power. Anonymous sources report oil and petroleum being smuggled into North Korea via Vladivostok, in the Russian far-east. (Washington Post)
Happening in the nation: A settlement has been reached on the rights to a selfie taken by a monkey named Naruto. It is not yet public knowledge to whom the photo legally belongs (the monkey? the photographer? PETA?), but hopefully that information will be released soon. (LA Times)
Happening in NYC: A cyclist was run over by a dump truck yesterday at a particularly dangerous intersection in Midtown. Luckily, nearby bystanders pulled the cyclist out of from under the truck, and she was brought to Bellevue Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. (DNAinfo New York)
Happening on Campus: A new art exhibit is opening tonight at 6 pm in the Harriman Institute! This exhibit, Through the Eyes of Durdy Bayramov: Turkmen Village Life, 1960–80s, showcases photographs of Durdy Bayramov’s life growing up in Turkmenistan. Definitely worth schlepping to the twelfth floor of IAB for.
Overheard: On Low Steps: “I remember coming out. In kindergarten.”
Cracks in the concrete via publicdomainpictures.net