Happening Around the World: Instead of viewing current events with our normal gloom, on a lighter note, scandal has erupted in the U.K as a British MP is being investigated for violating ministerial code by asking his former assistant to purchase sex toys for him and a colleague. (The Guardian)

The White House
Happening in the U.S: Facebook have released figures ahead of a Senate hearing which highlight the level of impact ‘Russian-linked’ posts had on American users, with findings indicating up to 126 million Americans saw the 80,000 Russian-backed posts. (BBC)
Happening in NYC: A bill to lift the prohibition-era ban on ‘social dancing’ today is being brought before the City Council. If the Cabaret Law is repealed, New Yorkers can dance to their hearts’ content (or until the booze wears off) as the approximately 24,000 establishments that don’t have a Cabaret Licence will not be subjected to raids – at least not in the name of ‘social dancing’. (NYT)
Happening on Campus: If you have free time – in that case you’re remarkably lucky – head on over to Jerome Green Hall as the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and the Columbia International Arbitration Association are co-hosting a talk with Professor Jan Dalhuisen, where he will discuss the complex role of international arbitrators.
Food of the Day: It’s that point in the semester where you’re slightly broke and slightly dead inside, so treat yourself to a trip to Tom’s since they have student discount from Monday ’til Wednesday.
Image via Russavia
@Anonymous Ain’t no party like a Tory sex scandal party
@Anonymous That title though