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Good Morning, Columbia! We’re so close to the light at the end of the tunnel (a.k.a the end of finals) with just three more days to go, Bwog believes in you…and your ability to procrastinate with today’s worldly updates.  Bwogline: At least 3 individuals were killed yesterday after an Amtrak in Washington was derailed. All 12 […]

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Whether you are simply heading home for winter break, feeling nostalgic in your senior year or getting ready to leave Columbia and return (like me) from a study abroad program, this is a list of all the things you absolutely must do before you go – so forget about your GPA and get cracking. 1. Take cute […]

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Stressed? Tired? Miserable? Overworked? Finals and flu season are upon us which means you’re probably spending a significant amount of time in Butler (if you’re one of the lucky few who managed to find a seat) trying not to cough and sneeze all over the place. So cheer yourself up by kicking your reading week off […]

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Bwogline: The Alabama election is today. This election is important as its outcome will indicate the extent to which the ‘Me Too’ movement has affected the nation. In a last minute rally, Moore and his wife made statements like “One of our attorneys is a Jew” citing fake news for not relaying this important inclusive fact about […]

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Happening in the World: The Supreme Court has sanctioned President Trump’s travel ban – pending legal challenges from California and Virginia – which bans travelers from six mainly muslim countries (Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.)  Seven out of the nine supreme court Justices lifted the injections: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor were the only […]

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Happening Around the World: In case you’ve been living under a rock, America has a new princess. Actress Meghan Markle, best known for her role as Rachel in ‘Suits’, is engaged to Prince Harry of Wales. The engagement has been subject to significant media attention as Ms Markle is biracial which has been seen as […]

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Happening in the World: Collapse of coalition talks within Germany has led to Chancellor Angela Merkel hinting at a potential election rather than work with a minority government. (The Guardian) Happening in the U.S: For a bit of doom and gloom before your holiday break, the Trump administration has decided not to renew Temporary Protected Status for […]

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Disclaimer: The irony of this journey is not lost on me, considering that practically every weekend since the beginning of NSOP has concluded at some random EC suite because Columbia’s nightlife is pretty abysmal and, let’s face it, EC is probably our saving grace.  Nonetheless the tale of my upheaval is still very much a […]

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Happening Around The World: The Iran-Iraq border was struck by an earthquake which has injured 7,000 and killed 400 people. Homes in the mountainous area surrounding the quake zone are particularly vulnerable as they predominately made from mud and brick. Approximately 70,000 need shelter and the UN have released a statement saying they are ready to assist. […]

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Happening Around the World: Instead of viewing current events with our normal gloom, on a lighter note, scandal has erupted in the U.K as a British MP is being investigated for violating ministerial code by asking his former assistant to purchase sex toys for him and a colleague. (The Guardian) Happening in the U.S: Facebook have released figures ahead […]

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Happening Around the World: Nicaragua has signed the Paris Climate agreement, which means the U.S and Syria are the only two nations in the world that are not united in an attempt to tackle climate change. This is of particular significance because Nicaragua had refused to sign the agreement in 2015 despite suffering from several disasters linked to […]

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Happening in the World: Remnants of Hurricane Ophelia (which has killed three people in Ireland so far) were noticeable throughout the United Kingdom as the skies turned orange, causing a flurry of apocalyptic Instragrams. Meteorologists attribute the ‘red sun phenomenon’ to dust and debris from forest fires in Iberia. (BBC) Happening in the U.S: The Governor of […]

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This is a PSA! Today is the last day in which you can drop courses from your ridiculously busy schedules. Remember that class you registered for but have never actually been to? Or the class you signed up for just because the TA was cute? Well you have until 9:30pm tonight to drop it before […]

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Happening Around The World: Whilst we ignore impending WWIII, Tinder have launched a ‘Menprovement‘ feature. This new anti-harrasment feature called ‘reactions’ allows women to throw virtual martinis over abusive men because that’s what we all do in our heteronormative Sex & the City lives. (The Guardian) Happening In The U.S: Mass evacuations were announced last […]

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Happening Around The World: Following violent clashes in Cameroon, Bamenda is on lockdown. Whilst the lockdown isn’t official, internet services have been shut down in the region and although MTN (the countries largest internet provider) cited “internet problems” as the cause many suspect that internet in the region is being deliberately blocked. (BBC)  Happening In […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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