Happening Around The World: The Iran-Iraq border was struck by an earthquake which has injured 7,000 and killed 400 people. Homes in the mountainous area surrounding the quake zone are particularly vulnerable as they predominately made from mud and brick. Approximately 70,000 need shelter and the UN have released a statement saying they are ready to assist. (BBC)

The Good Stuff
Happening in the U.S: The ‘Weinstein Effect’ has created a ‘Me too’ movement, emboldening a multitude of individuals around the world to speak out against sexual assault and harassment. Allegations are piling up in Capitol Hill as Ms Beverly Nelson became the fifth person to accuse Alabama senator Roy Moore of sexual harassment. This is not an isolated incident as over 1500 aides have signed an open letter asking for mandatory sexual harassment training and reform. (NYT)
Happening in NYC: New York Cares Coat Drive officially kicks off today! New York Cares has organised the city’s largest coat drives for the homeless, collecting over 1.8 million coats in the last 29 years. Check out their map for your local drop off point here.
Happening on Campus: The Committee to Protect Journalists and Columbia’s Journalism school are hosting a panel on the International Press Freedom Awards at 12pm in the Pullitzer Hall – three of the awardees will be attending the panel.
Food/beverage of the Day: It’s that time of year where everyone is sick and thus I willingly consume fruit and veg. Juice up with Nussbaum’s $5 freshly squeezed orange juice because self care is important.
Image via WikiCommons