Happening in the World: The Supreme Court has sanctioned President Trump’s travel ban – pending legal challenges from California and Virginia – which bans travelers from six mainly muslim countries (Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.) Seven out of the nine supreme court Justices lifted the injections: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor were the only judges to dissent. (BBC)

We have a building named after this guy or something
Happening in the U.S: Despite the multitude of sexual assault allegations against Roy Moore, the Republican National Committee has resumed their endorsement and support of him. Moore’s running against Doug Jones for the Alabama senate seat, with elections taking place on December 12th. (The Guardian)
Happening in NYC: Dr Vagelos and his wife Diana have donated $250 Million dollars to Columbia University. $150 million of this will fund financial aid programs at Columbia, with medical students with the greatest needs benefiting from grants. Subsequently, the Columbia College of surgeons will be renamed in their honor. (NYT)
Happening on Campus: Are you looking for an intellectual and wholesome way to procrastinate? Then join the director of Women Poets at Barnard Saskia Hamilton and Pulitzer prize winning author Hisham Matar for an intimate reading of some of their popular works at 7pm in Barnard Hall 418.
Food of the Day: The jumbo tub of cookies from Trader Joes that are $3.99 make me incredibly happy.
Image via WikiCommons