You see, the thing about the John Jay elevator is…
You may have heard of the recent trend of hiring conservative commentators for the Op-Ed Board of several different publications. Since there’s been literally no pushback over this idea, we at Bwog have decided to give it a try and hire a writer from the finest publication on campus, the Columbia Daily Spectator. Deputy Editor Zack Abrams explains further.
Keivn Williamson at The Atlantic. Quinn Norton at the New York Times. While they may not be the best examples of conservative writers as they were both fired shortly after hiring, we at Bwog are very committed to intellectual diversity. At least we thought we were, until we realized we needed to find some intellectuals (we’re pretty set on diversity.)
Therefore, the Editors of Bwog who definitely edit all the posts you see before publication have decided to hire a writer from the Columbia Daily Spectator in order to better present a more refined, sophisticated counterpoint to our usual nonsense.
For example, many of our more conservative readers were clamoring for a response to my very own slice of coastal chair-elitism, All The Chairs Are Wrong, which they called “basically Chair-Marxism.” In response to In Defense Of The Civil Rights Of Laboratory Yeast Cells, one reader commented that the yeast “ought to pull themselves up by their mitochondria” if they want to “earn their place in society.”
We’re very excited about the slate of Spectator columns that will be featured on the site in the coming days, including “Fuck Spec and the Divisive Nature of College Publication Discourse” and “Discourse and Debate: Does Anyone Actually Read Bwoglines?” and even “Discourse Discourse Discourse. Discourse or Datcourse?”
We hope you’re excited for the big changes coming to Bwog, and remember to keep an eye on our Twitter account in a few hours when the Internet unveils some racist tweets that Spectator twote back in the day and forces us to rescind our offer.