The room that will make or break your housing plans.

Are you ready to rumble? Are you ready to tussle? Are you ready to knuckle if you buck? Are you ready for COLUMBIA HOUSING SELECTION 2018?

Well, you may not be, but Bwog sure is. We’re providing you with everything you need for a (relatively) smooth in-person housing selection experience with our annual coverage. Below, you can find a spreadsheet detailing how many rooms/suites are still available in each dorm, and a liveblog with updates on which lottery number just picked, where that group is living, and if anyone cried.

If you’re picking housing today, you’ll probably see us sitting on the couch just outside the Cage. If we shout questions at you, please respond nicely. It’s for the greater good. And besides, we’ll have prizes better than the Res Life candy.

If you’re gonna cry come talk to Bwog via Bwog Staff