Politics waits for no woman
Following the announcement of CCSC and ESC candidates a few weeks ago, SGA has released its list of candidates for the Spring 2018 elections (that’s Barnard’s Student Government Association for the uninitiated). There’s no telling what these people will do to get your vote— aside from the usual poster barrage, that is. The election will be overseen by the SGA Elections Commission.
SGA President
Nicola Kirkpatrick
VP Policy
Mia Lindheimer
VP Campus Life
Hannah Stanhill
VP Finance
Rachel Nordlicht
VP Communications
Julia Pickel
Kim Samala
Junior Rep. to the Board of Trustees
Jessica Cruz
Sydney Fox
Rep. for Sustainable Initiatives
Caroline Cutlip
Rep. for Inclusion and Equity
Tirzah Anderson
Rep. for Food and Dining
Blythe Drucker
Yeliz Sezgin
Rep. for Arts and Culture
Demme Durrett
Phanesia Pharel
Rachel Meier
Rep. for Academic Affairs
Solace Mensah-Narh
Hadassah Solomson
Talia Welte
Rep. for Campus Affairs
Gabrielle Obregon
Chelsea Sinclair
Rep. for Information and Technology
Yasmine Kaya
Rebecca Narin
Rep. for Seven Sisters Relations
Idris O’Neill
Rep. for Health Services
Ava Adler
Emma Erenmark
Senior Class President
Rhea Nagpal
Senior Class Vice President
Hannah Yoo
Junior Class President
Gabi Garcia
Junior Class Vice President
Tanisha Aggarwal
Celine Zhu
Sophomore Class President
Tina Gao
Ana Peña
Dana Ross
Sophomore Class Vice President
Paulette Arnold
Norah Hassan
Image via Barnard SGA Twitter (inactive).