The first Bwog meeting is actually the most important piece of world news today
Happening in the world: The Swedish polls are open for voting today. The far-right Sweden Democrats party, which has its roots in Neo-Nazi groups, is predicted to double its seats in this election. (BBC)
Happening in the US: Naomi Osaka defeated Serena Williams in the 2018 US Open, but the win has already become controversial due to what many, including Williams herself, saw as unfair violations being leveled against Williams during the game. Nevertheless, the title is Osaka’s. (CBS)
Happening in NYC: Mayor Bill de Blasio has chosen to endorse neither Andrew Cuomo nor Cynthia Nixon for governor of New York, a move that’s been labeled “cautious.” While de Blasio hasn’t endorsed anyone for state attorney general, his wife, Chirlane McCray, last week endorsed Zephyr Teachout for the role. (New York Times)
Happening on campus: I’m sure there are plenty of other things happening today, but far and away the most important is that Bwog’s FIRST OPEN MEETING is happening tonight, in Lerner 510, at 9:00 pm. There will be food. There will be merriment. There will be an opportunity to rush an organization without having to spend any money. #RUSHBWOG
Overseen: Someone at Sweetgreen literally ordering a salad with a little bit of everything. Like, literally asking for everything.
Iconic Bwog flyer by Youngweon Lee <3
1 Comment
@Anonymous Bla-Blasio was Cuomo’s and Hillary’s campaign manager