Happening in the World: The head of the Polish Supreme Court, Malgorzata Gerdsdorf, is resisting the Polish government’s attempts to reform the judiciary by staying in her post despite a newly lowered retirement age for judges. She says that she will only leave her position if the constitution is officially changed or if she dies. (CNN)
Happening in the US: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is set to testify today at 10 am in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She will speak about her allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who has also been accused of sexual assault by two other women. (Vox)
Happening in NYC: Recent data from the city comptroller’s office indicates that over 1 million low-cost housing units have disappeared from the NYC market in the last 12 years. Rent-regulated housing stock has also plummeted, with more expensive stock taking its place, leaving fewer options for affordable housing. (Gothamist)
Happening on campus: The SEAS Colloquium in Climate Science is at 2:45 pm in Mudd Hall 214. Dr. Oliver Watt-Meyer will present his research on “Extratropical circulation response to warming: role of cloud radiative effects and ITCZ width changes.” Although SEAS is hosting the event, it is open to the public!
Overheard: “The Columbia experience is me googling how to boost my immune system after 2 weeks here and then realizing all the options are unfeasible, like sleeping more and drinking less.”
Place to nap today: The McBain lobby lounge has some new chairs! I haven’t gotten to nap-test them yet, so be the first and let me know how they are.
Malgorzata Gerdsdorf via Wikipedia
@Just the facts: Q and A with Doctor Ford Q. When did the assault take place?
A. I don’t know.
Q. Can you give me a month?
A. I don’t know.
Q. How about a year?
A. I don’t know maybe 1982 but I don’t remember.
Q. Where did the assault take place
A. A house.
Q. Whose house?
A. I don’t know.
Q. Where was this house?
A. I don’t know
Q. How did you get to that part?
A. I don’t know.
Q. How did you get home from that part?
A. I don’t know.
Q. Who was at that party other than the accused and his friend?
A. I’m not sure.
Note: Everyone who could have been at the party has denied ever attending such a party including a lifelong friend of Dr. Ford.
Q. During the assault you mention that music was playing in the room. Do you know what song was playing?
A. I don’t know.
Q. Can you tell us who assaulted you?
A. Brett Kavanaugh!
Q. How certain are you? Could it have been someone else?
Note: 2 other men have already come forward and claimed responsibility for the assault.
A. I’m 100% certain it was Brett Kavanaugh.
Sounds reliable 🤔🤔🤔
@Anonymous Let’s get this straight. All of the people at the party were from wealthy families and attended private high school. Whose house was it then? If they were the only ones at the party, then the house HAD to be one of theirs, doesn’t that make sense? And yet, no one knows where the party was? Did they just “borrow” a house in a low rent district for the night or what? Even her lifelong friend whom Ms. Ford said was at the party state the she has NEVER even been at a party with Brett Kavanaugh and does not know him. This woman doesn’t even know the year it supposedly happened. I have no doubt that an incident may have happened to this woman, BUT she is likely mistaken on who the perpetrator was and/or other significant details. And if Senator Feinstein herself believed this is credible, it would NOT have been withheld until the week of the vote. This is too convenient.
@Oh look NRT downvote cabal is out in full force. Guess all those gender studies classes have eroded their abilities to process logic and facts.