Hope you all enjoyed your last night of NSOP! Those of you who insisted on going to Mel’s in spite of that line: we admire your devotion to Mel’s o’clock. Nurse your hangovers with blue Gatorade, a bagel, and today’s Waking Up Sleeping Late With Bwog.
Today’s Highlights:
- Central Park Outing: Join COÖP (Columbia Outdoor Orientation Program) leaders on a trek to the wilderness of New York City: Central Park. Head over to the Great Lawn any time between 1 and 4 pm for some outdoor games and activities, or just bring a blanket and enjoy the last day of freedom before classes.
- EcoReps Sale, Part II: The sale started at 9 am, with some brave souls lining up as early as 6 am. The really good stuff (minifridges, etc.) is probably already gone, but you never know what you’ll find. The sale ends at 5 and is in the Wien lounge. BRING CASH.
One Thing To Do Before Graduating: Go to Riverside Park around 6 pm with some food and enjoy all the dogs walking by with their owners. The food is important because it attracts the dogs and then you can pet them (with the owners’ permission of course).
From The Archives: Beta blasted Disney music at the wee hours of the morning, much to the chagrin of the frat’s neighbors. And there’s a video.
Cute Riverside Dog via Bwog Archives