join GSSC for thanksgiving festivities
Tonight in GSSC was more of the usual, with announcements of upcoming GS events and some updates on relevant issues for GS students. Groggy Bwogger Andrew Chee interrupts his exam cramming to summarize the meeting for you.
General Studies Student Council kicked off a little slowly, with several absences due to the GS Scholarship Dinner occurring at the same time, as well as some technical difficulties. Once the show got started, Linda Amrou, the Program Officer from the Columbia Global Centers stopped by to discuss the nine global centers and the opportunities they provide. They are focused on research and education, and “were founded with the objective of connecting the local with the global, to create opportunities for shared learning and to deepen the nature of global dialogue.” For more information, you can check out their website here or email Linda at la2717@columbia.edu.
The rest of the meeting was fairly straightforward, with several key updates being announced, leaving the rest of the meeting for the allocation of funds for various upcoming events. GSSC will only be meeting two more times this semester: the next meeting will be November 27th (no meeting the week of Thanksgiving!) and will feature Dean Rosen-Metsch, Dean Rojas, Sean Trulby, and Ashley, the new Director of Student Life. It is intended to be an extraordinarily special GSSC meeting, so if you only attend one GSSC meeting this semester, make sure you drop by that week! They claim there will be copious amounts of food, so I will definitely be there to evaluate that claim. The following and last GSSC meeting will be on December 4th. The council also announced that GS will be increasing the number of sections of University Writing from 23 to 26, which is intended to alleviate some of the difficulty some students (cough me) have been experiencing with getting into a section of University Writing. Seriously, I’ve failed to get into University Writing for two semesters now, but maybe third time’s the charm? The last update is that the Council is looking for a Sustainability and Community Service Chair, an External Events Chair, and a Senior Class Treasurer. If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, applications should be available in the weekly GS emails; if not, feel free to reach out to any of the council members.
Upcoming Events
- Open Mic Night, tonight November 14th at 8 pm for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses in Pupin.
- Thanksgiving Dinner on November 22nd from 3 – 6 pm in the GS Lounge – catering will be provided by West Side Market, Seasoned Vegan, with Kosher options TBA.
- Senior Coffee Fridays on November 16th and 30th – further information should be sent out to seniors via email.
- End of Semester Senior Party at Mel’s, which is tentatively set for the beginning of December – or possibly the beginning of the spring semester, in the event of a conflict with Lerner Pub. GSSC plans to have a giveaway at this event with 50 scarves and drink tickets, so stay tuned!
That’s the scoop for this week! There will not be GSSC next week, so enjoy your break y’all!
Photo via Public Domain Pictures
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@Anonymous Amazon and Google are both building second headquarters in New York City.