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Bwogger Andrew Chee is live on the scene in Futter Field, where extreme wind speeds are dismantling the Big Sub. Details of this story may change as it develops.

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New Year, New GSSC

In GSSC’s first meeting of the semester, the council went over their behind-the-scenes work over the summer and their plans for the semester. GSSC meets every Tuesday at 8:15 pm in the Jed Satow Room of Lerner.

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In the final bittersweet GSSC meeting of the year, the council spent their night going over the accomplishments of the council in the past school year, as well as appreciating their time with one another. Lovely! GSSC Bureau Chief Andrew Chee is here with the recap from the Jed Satow Room.

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In the penultimate General Studies student council meeting of the semester, the council prepares to wrap up the semester on a good note! Bwogger Andrew Chee has the recap from last night.

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This shit was two and a half hours long. GSSC Bureau Chief Andrew Chee provides the highlights of the elections, including some brief drama.

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This week, Bwogger Andrew Chee reviews GSSC reviewing their budget. You too can review GSSC yourself every Tuesday at 8:15 pm in the Jed Satow Room in Lerner.

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Bureau Chief Andrew Chee traverses the objectively cold spring weather to bring you the highlights from GSSC while you stay cozy at home.

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In a lighting fast meeting, GSSC discussed allocation of funds, while also giving updates about the housing survey and Student Health Ambassadors. Big Boi Bwogger Andrew Chee presents the recap from GSSC.

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GSSC Bureau Chief Andrew Chee brings you the recap of the latest General Studies Student Council meeting.

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GSSC Bureau Chief Andrew Chee blesses you with a sunny ray of light in the form of a student council recap on this cold snowy day. GSSC meets every Tuesday night at 8:15 pm in the Jed Satow Room. 

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Bwog’s resident Old Fart and Yung Geriatric™ Andrew Chee was astonished by the efficacy of last night’s twenty-minute meeting! General Studies Student Council meets every Tuesday at 8:15 pm in the Jed Satow Room on the fifth floor of Lerner. 

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New Year, New GSSC

Greetings, y’all! It’s the first General Studies Student Council meeting of the spring semester and the start of the new year! It’s almost February, but Bubble Tea Bwogger Andrew Chee is determined to continue saying “new year, new me” until September at the very least. Catch GSSC on Tuesday nights at 8:15 pm in the […]

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It has been a long semester, and all good things must come to an end. Today, now-seasoned Bwog veteran Andrew Chee has the scoop on the latest and final GSSC meeting for the semester.  Dr. Anne Goldfield, the GS liaison at the office of Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS), stepped in for this meeting to elaborate […]

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  Bwogger Andrew Chee brings you this almost offensively-concise summary of GSSC. General Studies Student Council meets on Tuesdays at 8:15 pm in the Jed Satow Room in Lerner Hall. You know those friends who are incredibly drama-free and super reliable? Yeah, hanging out with them is always good vibes, even though juicy drama is […]

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