A fun stock image to remind you that you got this!!

Bwogline: Two Chicago police officers were struck by a metro train while responding to a shot’s fired call on the city’s South Side. Conrad Gary and Eduardo Marmolejo were searching an area near the train tracks when they were struck. Gary, 31, had been on the force 18 months. Marmolejo, 37, joined the department 2 1/2 years ago. Both men, both of whom are fathers, lost their lives just weeks before Christmas, putting the safety of others before their own.

Study Tip: Reward yourself for being productive. The stress culture at this school is absolutely insane, so please make sure you do study productively but don’t let it be the only thing you do. After you finish a chapter, reward yourself with a snack, a YouTube video, a walk in the park, or talking to your friends. Make sure you are not just studying for hours without any breaks, and this also helps you have more motivation to work hard.

Music: More Asian-American artists represent!!! This is Higher Brothers, who you probably have heard of. Most of their songs are more upbeat, but this one is a lot more relaxing.

Procrastination Tip: Cook food. For some people, cooking is very relaxing and calming. It’s a stress reliever, and you also have to eat food anyways, so you might as well cook something delicious that will give you energy to study. If you don’t want to spend too much time cooking, go to Trader Joe’s and buy the creamy tomato soup with reduced sodium (to be healthier). Make pasta, and then put the pasta in a pan and drench the pasta with the soup. Reduce the soup until it is a thick sauce and add any vegetables or protein you want.

Overseen/Overheard: Overseen: multiple people standing on the streets with their suitcases waiting for an Uber. I wish that was me.

Photo via fun stock image website because I love stock images