We overthought our picks and missed the deadline, but thought our matches should be seen by SOMEONE…….. maybe….. hopefully….. some of the people on our list? ;)

  1. Justin Clarke-Doane (CC Philosophy) — jc4345
  2. Aaron Passell (BC Urban Studies) — apassell
  3. James Valentini (CC Administration) — jjv1
  4. Adam Tooze (CC History) — adam.tooze
  5. John Morrison (BC Philosophy) — jmorriso
  6. Malgorzata Mazurek (CC Polish) — mm4293
  7. Carl Wennerlind (BC History)– cwennerl
  8. Anders Stephanson (SIPA History) — ags8
  9. Lucie Vagnerova (CC Music) –lv2252
  10. Noe Kains (BC Physics & Astronomy) — nkains

& two more because we can’t contain our thirst:

Luke Samuel MacInnis (CU Political Science) — lsm2129
Margaret Vandenburg (BC English) — MVandenburg

Senior Scramble(d Eggs) via Wikimedia Commons