Our last Senior Wisdom of the day goes to Connor Haseley, who tells us to actually care about what we do and advises against double majoring. 

Name, School, Major, Hometown: Connor Haseley, CC, Political Science, Brooklyn, New York

Claim to fame: Being the drummer for Patches (the best band on campus), especially helping throw shows. Or my writing. Or just finding good reasons to do cool stuff in interesting places.

Where are you going? I have a dart in my hand and a map on the wall.

What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2023?

Give a shit. Do what you say you’re going to do. More importantly, surround yourself with people who will do the same.

It’s far too easy to prioritize things you don’t actually like or want to be doing, especially when you’re good at them. It’s far too easy to half-ass things and far too easy to flake. Instead, put a massive amount of effort into the things that you actually care about. You have more opportunities to do worthwhile and interesting things than ever before, but doing them takes work.

Academia is provincial; every department is incomplete and biased. Take classes across fields and study abroad. Read for pleasure during the semester. Do not double major.

“Back in my day…” ADP threw shows and freshmen went to Cannon’s.

Favorite Columbia controversy? Emlyn Hughes pretending to have an affair with a student during his FroSci lectures.

Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Idk, being alive is kinda hype.

What was your favorite class at Columbia? Adam Tooze’s History of the Great Recession. Take anything he teaches.

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? Oral sex. Other types of sex are better than fake cheese.

Whom would you like to thank? Too many to name. Also my parents. And the Patchlings.

One thing to do before graduating: Spend a day in an outer borough by yourself.

Any regrets? No, just lessons. Sometimes you have to learn them the hard way.