Gather all ye sleep deprived. Hear my Bwoglines.
Happening in the World: Protestors in Luxembourg jeered Boris Johnson (New York Times).
Happening in the US: The governor of California announced the state’s intentions to regulate electronic cigarettes (New York Times).
- [The representative from California has the floor.]
Happening in NYC: Students in NYC public schools will be allowed to miss class to attend the youth climate protests on Friday (New York Times).
Happening on Campus: The lecture “Expanding the World of Literature” will be held from 6 – 7 pm in Buell Hall, East Gallery (Register Here).
Bueller? Bueller?
Song Rec: “Just What I Needed,” By The Cars
You should listen to everything they’ve written, but this will make a good start.
He’s not actually the guy doing the regulating via Wikimedia Commons
@Anonymous We need to put cameras in all the stairwells and lunchrooms to blacklist anyone who doesn’t take their
diversity and ethics training seriously.
@Anonymous Look at that pencil neck.