This summer’s renovations blessed Carman with some single dorms (on the lower floors), providing the perfect balance between a social scene and privacy. Staff writer Reyna Choi reports on her fabulously good luck.
Location: Broadway & 114th
Nearby Dorms: Furnald & Nuss. John Jay & Wallach & Hartley are right past Butler Library.
Cost: Same as other first-year housing options!
- Basics: If you’re in a single, it’s a 6-person suite with two doubles & two singles.
- Most suites are quads with two doubles and one bathroom.
- Floors 3-5 have 6-person suites (singles!), floors 6-13 have 10-person suites.
- Poor floor 2 is still unrenovated :(
- Bathrooms: 2!!!! Giving you a 3-to-1 bathroom to person ratio. (Carman quads are 4-to-1, and the 10-person suites are 5-to-1).
- AC/Heating: Blessings that you should cherish.
- Kitchen: Full one in the basement, floor lounges have microwaves. Most people buy fridges from their room from the EcoReps sale or rent a fridge/microwave unit from school.
- Lounge: Floor lounges have a TV, couches, and a table where people chill/study. The basement lounge is also a nice social spot.
- Laundry: Free in the basement for washing and drying! Don’t go on Sundays and always set a timer!
- Computers/Printing: Available on the first floor. You get a printing quota for the semester which you probably won’t go over.
- Gym: Four treadmills and two ellipticals in the basement. If cardio is your thing, go nuts.
- Elevators: Two elevators in the lobby. One was broken on move-in day and will periodically be unavailable. If you go to the opposite side of the building, you can take the less-crowded service elevator!
- It is unethical (and some say illegal) to take the elevator if you live below floor 7. But if it’s not a crowded time or you’re just tired, just do it anyways :)
- People will puke in the elevators.
- Floors: Hardwood!
- Views: If you have a single you’re definitely on a lower floor, so you won’t get an *amazing* view (mine is the side of Butler & some of Frat Row, and our lounge view is a brick wall). You can go up to the 13th floor and stare out their lounge view to see what it’s like to be blessed that hard.
Room Sizes:
- Singles are 105 sq. ft., doubles are around 210 sq. ft. with some exceptions
- Your single can have a huge window like mine (which makes the room feel bigger) or a smaller window (which makes the room feel cozier)
Single Specialties!
- Want the privacy of John Jay but the social aspect of Carman? A Carman single is the dorm for you!
- You can study!! In your room!! Because you don’t have a roommate to distract you!!
- You won’t have to accommodate a roommate’s sleep schedule!!
- Headphones?? What are they?? Don’t need em!
- On a low enough floor that you can get some cardio from the stairs without being too winded!!
- You’re living in your own filth/cleanliness, not someone else’s!
- You still have suitemates and floormates to be social with when you want!
- Seriously 10/10 biggest flex people will come to your room just to marvel at the glory of a Carman single
- The floor lounge!
- The beautiful view from Reyna’s room.
- A cute shot of Reyna’s desk.
- The hallway of this beautiful suite.
- Reyna’s bed (love the fairy lights).