I overheard you singing in the Diana 3 study room and so did literally everyone else.

I just want to quickly point out that if you’re alone in a small room, people can still hear you. A study room is not an impenetrable fortress into which things cannot enter or exit. If you are being loud, I can still hear you and so can literally everyone else.

This post was inspired by a particularly odd experience I had on Thursday afternoon. I was studying in the Diana 3 Reading Room, a traditionally silent study area. For those of you who have not studied here, there are two study rooms off of the reading room. On Thursday, someone was singing, neigh, BELTING songs for an hour straight. I frequent this reading room and I have NEVER experienced anything like this ever.

So I just want to say, just because you are in an enclosed space, people can still hear you. Study rooms are NOT the same as music practice rooms. PLEASE practice in music practices room located in practically any dorm and in Lerner and NOT in rooms adjacent to quiet study areas. Not to be super stress culture or anything, but I’m trying to study here.

what not to do via Bwog Archives