We know you have 10027 items on your to-do list, which is why we are helping to cross off “stay aware of current events!” Bwoglines supports lists, and you should support Bwoglines by reading today’s daily news summary. 

Happening in the World: The last known Sumatran rhino living in Malaysia died, leaving shock and worry in her wake. The 25-year-old female rhino, Iman, passed because of cancer. She has been taken care of by the Sabah Wildlife Department since March of 2014 when she was captured. Poaching, habitat loss, and the fragmentation of their populations are all contributing factors to the Sumatran rhino’s dwindling numbers. (BBC)

Happening in the US: Did you ever have a dream of your dog driving a car? This past Friday, in Port St. Lucie, Florida, a dog drove a man’s car in reverse in circles around a culdesac for an hour. This Florida Man stepped out of his car after making a wrong turn, and his dog was still inside. (NBC)

Happening in NYC: A broken rail causes a train from Penn Station to Babylon to derail last night in Queens. About 380 passengers were on board the train at that time, and it took more than an hour to get the passengers off the unmoving train. (ABC)

Happening on Campus: We understand if you need a detox from your study, sleep, and repeat routine, so take a break to relax and make Thanksgiving arts and crafts. Our local New York Public Library is hosting a crafting session today, at 12 pm noon, at the Morningside Heights Library. Indulge your inner child and take some time to meditate through craft making. (NYPL)

Weekly Song Recommendation: “East Coast” by Alex McArtor is musically wispy and vocally raspy, and it is a joy to listen to when you’re feeling mellow. This tune is soft and moody, yet bouncy in a way, and I have come to love listening to it.

Rhinoceros via Wikimedia Commons