Here at Bwog, we are always finding new ways to turn our misfortunes into an article that we can share with the world.

Is it just me or does registration always follows the same pattern?

  1. You start off with your dream schedule, maybe a few backup classes in case those don’t work out.
  2. Registration happens and you’re left with five 8:40s somehow and an existential crisis about whether you will graduate on time.

Never fear, Bwog is here to ease the pain with our own stories about the never-ending disappointment that is registration.

We start with the sad times…

  • I only got into 2 out of the 6 classes I was trying to register for.
  • I’m an English major, so basically every seminar I need in that department is blocked off no matter how filled it is. So I’m using 3/3 waitlist spots, but I really need 5… I also had to give up the idea of being in PE because I didn’t have enough waitlist spots (so much for personal health).
  • No Barnard first-year with a registration time after 11:30 can get into their first-year experience classes!! I’m having so much fun right now!! Registration for all my classes is so fucked up!!
  • I had a required class I need to take pop up the day before registration for sophomores opened, and this completely fucked up my schedule. It is very likely I’m taking 5 STEM classes next semester and I’m big mad about it. Let me read!!
  • The class I was registering for was at 10:10 when I was planning, but when it was my registration time the class had changed to 1:10!! Which is usually a good thing but how will I have time to go to work??

…move onto the one that proves every cloud has a silver (or humorous) lining…

  • There was a brief moment where I was registered for a yoga class that meets once a week and THAT’S ALL. No other classes. Honestly, kind of the dream.

…frolic through the rare cases where things more-or-less worked out…

  • I got into every class I wanted! Just waiting on admittance into an English seminar (that if I don’t get I’m fucked but we’re ignoring that for now). Also praying my Art Hum and Music Hum profs don’t suck!
  • I woke up to the pleasant surprise that I got off the waitlist for a class I need for my major. However, I didn’t get into a seminar that I REALLY wanted to get into; here’s to hoping that waitlist moves too!
  • I’m taking 4 classes for my English major…I got into all of them which is good, but I’m now realizing that I’m taking 4 English classes at once. That’s a lot of reading and writing.
  • I got into all the classes that I wanted (including upperclassmen seminars and classes with the best professors) EXCEPT the one (1) PE that fit into my schedule.

…and end with some senior bragging wisdom.

  • As a second semester senior, I can do whatever I want
  • I got into every class I wanted immediately #seniorlyfe

lecture classroom via Wikimedia Commons