You probably have at least one-thousand sheets of paper’s worth of printing dollars left for the semester. Here’s what Bwoggers think you should use them for.

The creative:

  • Coloring pages for you and your friends
  • Sheet music! Then go find a piano and learn it!
  • Recipes for mug cakes because it’s finals szn

The dorm decor:

  • Blank sheets of paper to make paper snowflakes for your window
  • Pictures of smiling frogs
  • All seven (7) panels of the Hunt of the Unicorn tapestry
  • Inspiring quotes of the “live, love, laugh” variety
  • Large posters of your friends’ faces to cover your door with

The money-making:

  • Monopoly money
  • As many blank pages as you can (to try to sell to Ivy League Stationers)

The “why not”:

  • Textbooks for spring 2020 classes that you’re going to switch out of anyways
  • 9th President of the United States William Henry Harrison’s 8,445 word inaugural address that gave him deadly pneumonia. (Print copies until you’ve waited for two hours to get the authentic in-crowd experience)
  • Bwog articles to slip under the doors of people you want to b*ng
  • Wattpad fanfics to leave in every lounge
  • A ton of memes to make hundreds of origami cranes – scatter the meme cranes down from the 5th floor of Lerner onto the people below (or from the top of dodge down onto the basketball court, or out of a window onto the street)

All in all, don’t waste paper! But put your leftover printing dollars to good use.


wrinkles via pexels