Maybe not the most, uh, important information in here, but who doesn’t like seesaws!?

Happening in the world: Australian scientists in Melbourne have replicated 2019-nCOV in the lab, marking Australia as the first country outside of China to do so. Five people in Australia are currently being treated for the virus. (The Guardian)

Happening in the United States: A man was arrested for smoking marijuana in court yesterday. He was, in fact, in court for a marijuana possession charge. (CNN)

Happening in NY: Some light-up seesaws have cropped up in Midtown! Be sure to check them out before they’re gone forever! (The New York Times)

Happening on campus: There will be a film screening of “The Gateway” at Deutsches Haus at 7:00 PM tonight, with a discussion to follow. More info here.

Lost and found: Did anyone leave a stool in the Plimpton laundry room?

happy happy happy via Pixabay

come get your shit via Bwog Staff