Have you ever ascended the ramps in Lerner, captivated by the high-resolution photographs of our stellar athletes? Have you ever wondered about the TRUTH behind the photos? Wonder no more! Two Bwoggers have figured out what is going on inside their heads.
- Bro I know rowing is exciting but your excitement is poking my back
- Maybe tabs weren’t a good idea before this
- BRITTANY! Look sober they’re gonna put this on Instagram!!
- IVY LEAGUEEE BITCHES. Did you knowwww I went to the ColUmbIa UniveRsiTy of NEw YoRk???? SEAS.
- Go teeeeeeeeem bro i gotta yak
- These glow sticks really be hittin’ different after that acid
- No homo.
Lerner photos via Bwog Staff
1 Comment
@ash very well written. go bitches