Bwog hereby officially endorses our very own Video Editor Jordan as someone you should date!
- You wish you were this latte
Name, Year, School, Major (grad students encouraged): Jordan, 2022, SEAS, operations research
Preference (girl for girl, etc): Girl for human tattoo sleeve
Hometown: Boca Raton, FL
Your nightmare date in seven words or fewer: I get straight up murdered
What redeems you as a human being?: My willingness to make an absolute fool of myself online.
Library room of choice: What the fuck. I hate this question. Butler 214.
Beverage of choice and why: I drink like 20 coconut waters a week, but let’s pretend I’m joking!
If you had to eat one meal from a dining hall for the rest of your life what would that be?: A Diana smoothie with banana, mango, strawberry, and soy milk. But more controversially, Ferris breakfast potatoes.
Where can you usually be found on a Saturday night?: I would like to say something cool, but the answer is a frat basement.
Historical Hottie: Caligula because I also think there should be a horse in the senate.
@Anonymous You have really nice cheek bones.
@Anonymous love grace and sarah’s faces being crossed out with the absolute minimum possible effort. date me jordan
@Anonymous i don’t have a tattoo sleeve but i can make a decent smoothie…….do u think i still have a chance?
@Anonymous mailing a case of coconut waters in exchange for a date 😌