Bwogger Zach Fisher once again foregoes his three term papers due next week to bring you another article of the utmost importance: the intersection between things we do when bored and buildings back on campus.

Watching Tik Toks for hours on end instead of doing your essay due tomorrow: Milstein Green Chairs

We’ve all been there recently. It’s 3 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon and you slowly began to wake up. You open your eyes and look around before realizing that you are not in-fact in your Sulz triple but snuggled between the warm and comfortable green arms of the Milstein green chairs. The Epitome of procrastination – one will enter the library with a list of tasks to complete, yet, upon sitting within the chairs embrace all will be forgotten and nothing will get done. Much as the chairs foster procrastination so does the phone application Tik Tok. Functioning in much of the same ways both will make you question “what did I just do for five hours?”

Raiding your pantry at 1 a.m. praying snacks will randomly materialize: Koronets 

Its 1 a.m., and obviously you are hungry. On the search for something to eat you rush to the pantry for some quick gratification only to realize that the options are very limited. Much like how at Koronets you will order the SAME exact pizza slice night after night after night, in your pantry you spot that same jar of Salsa you’ve been slowly finishing through the week. This time, however, instead of gossiping about John from SigNu and Jane from Theta who are sitting at the table next to you and are probably blackout drunk, you only see your dogs Jack and Buddy sleeping in the corner. Wonder if they went to Beta tonight?

Making and presenting PowerPoints to your friends on random topics: ButlerRef

For many of us, Ref is the only location when work can get done productively. Contrasting this, making PowerPoint for your friends about why John Mulaney is the absolute perfect human when put in comparison with every year’s song of the summer is just about the only work you’ve gotten done this week. Congratulations – you’ll get a pass in Masterpieces in Western Procrastination.

Building Columbia in Minecraft: Schermerhorn Extension

Okay this one is just plain impressive. Like honestly, props to everyone that’s been building a 1:1 recreation of campus on Minecraft so that I can finally log into my 11:40- 12:55 “Pupin” zoom class, open Minecraft and walk to Hamilton, then switch to my 1:10 Ham section. It’s honestly a dream come true. The only thing that is as architecturally advanced and just as impressive is one’s ability to find and navigate the Schermerhorn Extension the first hundred times you go there. Where else can you get lost for hours on end and eventually miss your Music Hum class – Minecraft now, actually.