Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me yourself.

Name, School, Major, Hometown:
Harry Singh, Columbia College, Concentrations in Environmental Science and Mathematics, Queens, NY

Claim to fame:
Please refer to the image below.

Where are you going?
Hanover, New Hampshire

What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2024?

  1. Take a chance on yourself: As many opportunities you’ll find to stick to your comfort zone, you can find twice (perhaps thrice!) as many to step out of your comfort zone. Next time you’re walking up the stairs in Hamilton or ~chilling~ in Lerner, take a look at the fliers on the bulletins around you. Consider attending a weekly meeting or auditioning for a show but of course, small steps.
  2. Check yourself (out): Privilege manifests itself in different forms and acknowledging privilege is a skill!! The truths and narratives each of us acknowledge as self-evident and obvious look different under different perspectives — on a side note, check yourself out the next time you’re walking by a mirror, you’re hot.
  3. Read a CC book every once in a while: Although in isolation these books may seem irrelevant, in juxtaposition they engage in an interesting dialogue. Give ‘em a chance.

“Back in my day…” 
Zoom was unheard of!

Favorite Columbia controversy?
Whether or not the “canon” should feature a more diverse range of writings (it def should!)

What was your favorite class at Columbia?
The Arabic language learning sequence

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese?
I do enjoy a daily slice of brie…

Whom would you like to thank?
I need to thank the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department located over in Schermerhorn and the Earth Institute for funding my research over the past three years. In addition, the Math Help Room for my incessant questions.

Of course, a HUGE thanks to Deantini, John Jay Dining Hall, and the dormitory security guards.

An even BIGGER thanks to everyone I have had the privilege of calling my friend over these past four years.

~~ Shoutout to my senior peeps: Savannah Pearson, Ibrahim Khan, Shandu Maluzadi, Tiernaur Anderson, Emily Hao, Julia Kelly, Edna Franks, and Alexandra Harris for being my support system ~~

One thing to do before graduating:
Speaking of taking chances, ya ever heard of Latenite??

Any regrets?
A few! I wish I had stood more on college walk in between weekday classes. I wish I had sat more on the steps. Overall, I wish I had a bit more time.

Harry Singh & Others via Harry Singh