These unprecedented times have also been rather unbalancing. And lately, we’ve been trying to balance a lot. In honor of Libra Season ending, here are a couple of things that online education has asked us to harmonize.
- Speaking too much vs. Speaking too little: If anyone could tell me the exact amount of time we’re expected to speak in a discussion section, I’d be forever grateful.
- Outperforming yesterday’s screen time vs. Throwing my laptop out the window: Zoom fatigue is real. And in our limited free time, we’re faced with a choice: TikTok and splitting headaches or peaceful boredom?
- Getting dressed up vs. staying in pajamas: Long gone are the days of planning out weekly outfits, but every now and then I glance at my patterned pants and think “…maybe?”
- Keeping the camera on vs. turning the camera off: Seeing nobody’s face on screen can be disheartening, but it generally feels a lot easier to participate when nobody can see you.
- “Everyone is my Zoom crush” vs. “I am closing myself off completely this quarantine:” Basically, all of my Zoom crushes last about a minute before I realize I will never see them again.
Scales of justice via Pxfuel