The parliamentarian is an official appointed advisor to the US Senate.

Happening in the world: The US carried out airstrikes on facilities it said belonged to Syrian militants backed by the Iranian government. President Joe Biden ordered the strikes as a response to rocket attacks on US targets in Iraq. (Reuters)

Happening in the US: Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough told senators that they are not allowed to include a provision to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 in their house’s version of Democrat’s proposed economic stimulus bill. While it is still possible that the provision will be included in the final bill, assuming it passes both houses, it would require some unusual legislative maneuvering. (NYT)

Happening in NYC: A lawsuit filed against the MTA has been granted class-action status by a State Supreme Court judge. Accessibility activists claim that the MTA is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act because only 20% of subway stations have elevators. (Gothamist)

Happening in our community: The Earth Institute is hosting a webinar called “Tidal Communities Speak: Underserved and Indigenous Rural Peoples Confront Changing Coastlines,” the latest in its Sustain What? conversation series. This event features Maurice Bailey and Josiah “Jazz” Watts from Sapelo Island, Shavonne Smith from the Shinnecock Nation, and Aunnauruq Twyla Thurmond, and Annauk Denise Olin of Shishmaref, in discussion with climate researchers. The event will go from 1-3 pm and can be accessed here.

Dollar bills via Bwog Archives.