With graduation right around the corner, the time for Senior Wisdoms has returned.

Advice from our elders is always appreciated and usually helpful. We at Bwog have a longstanding tradition of providing wisdom from the eldest amongst our peers: the seniors! The end of this semester snuck up on us, but finals and graduation are right around the corner. As we near the close of yet another transformative semester, we ask the graduating seniors to divulge their wisest words and bless the undergraduate peasants with their well-earned knowledge. 

Bwog needs your help in nominating these wise souls to write a Senior Wisdom for our site! Feel free to brag about your neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and lovers to us, and give them a chance to express their last words before entering the post-grad world. We seek seniors who have led impactful lives during their undergraduate years, whether that means playing a significant role in campus affairs or playing a significant role in the lives of others. This could be a club president, your NSOP Leader, your friend who has a heart of gold, or that class clown who brightens everyone’s days. 

Please nominate these inspiring, impactful, amazing humans at Columbia through this anonymous Google form or by emailing us at editors@bwog.com. We need to know your nominee’s name, UNI, undergraduate college, and why they should get a Senior Wisdom. We grant Senior Wisdoms to seniors only graduating this current semester, so please only nominate those graduating in Spring 2021. Nominations are due next Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59 PM EST.

Go on! Start nominating the wisest seniors you know!

in-person graduation via Bwog Archives