Don’t let finals crush yours!
Bwogline: The Justice Department will investigate the operations of the Minneapolis Police Department, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Wednesday. The announcement comes a day after the former officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder in the death of George Floyd. The inquiry will be led by lawyers and staff in the Justice Department’s civil rights division and the U.S. attorney’s office in Minnesota. (Washington Post)
Study Tip: Practice makes perfect! One of the most effective ways to prepare for an exam is to practice memory recall in the form of questions, like taking a past version of an exam or even creating your own.
Music of the Day: Dreams by the Cranberries. It serves 90s-main-character-walking-in-Manhattan. Play it the next time you leave the library, dorm, etc. during your venture for fresh air. Dream of freedom.
Procrastination Tip: It’s not the most sound advice, but giving yourself a break in the form of one TV episode could be a good thing – that is if you’re on the last episode of the entire series.
Overseen/Overheard: The line at Diana. That’s all.
it’s a dreamcatcher via Pixabay