In a short but sweet meeting, GSSC’s agenda included Alumni Relations Survey, Snack Attacks Volunteers, and GSSC Retreat Survey.

This week’s GSSC meeting was brief, as elected officials and everyday students alike are currently preoccupied with midterms. The meetings are still on Zoom for now.

Serengeti Timugwa (GS ‘23) began the meeting by discussing possibilities for how to vote for motions on Zoom. Today’s meeting relied on chat voting, but Timugwa noted that while chat voting is easy to count, it is not a sustainable voting system as it is hard to keep record of. Voting records are important for transparency with the student body. Therefore, they will try Zoom polls in the future.

Timugwa asked members to share the GSSC Alumni and Industries Survey with friends and on social media as so far, they have only received forty responses. Through the survey, students can specify which industries they would like to see GSSC bring in Alumni from. 

Timugwa also noted that the GSSC Retreat Survey for members will close tonight. The survey showed that most people want the retreat to be outside, but as the weather cools down, Timugwa is unsure of the plan.

She shared that there have been no updates regarding the Policy Committee but to expect updates in the coming weeks; the committee is meeting with Dean Rosner tomorrow to discuss increasing COVID accommodations in classes, including the use of recordings for absent students.

The Campus Life Committee representative asked GSSC members to sign up for volunteer slots for their upcoming Snack Attacks event. Snack Attacks will be in the GS Lounge from October 25 to October 28.

There were no comments from the Finance Committee, University Senator, or Events. It seems midterms have quieted campus ongoings for the week. Additionally, there were no public comments or comments for Executive Session.

Next week, I expect a more exciting meeting as GSSC discusses outcomes from their meeting with Dean Rosner regarding COVID accommodations and further prepare for their next big event, Snack Attacks.

Photo via Bwog Archives