GSSC’s agenda included the Health and Wellness Representative appointment, updates on meetings with deans, and news about upcoming events.

This week, GSSC prepared for some changes in council members. To begin, they heard from two candidates hoping to become the Health and Wellness Representative. 

Next, Serengeti Timungwa (GS ’22) announced the official formation of the Election Commission Appointment Committee, which appoints the Election Commission chair who eventually will novitiate others for the commission. All council members are seniors to ensure no bias.

Stephanie Pierre (GS ‘24) will step in as interim VP of Policy. The current VP of Policy will be excused for the rest of the semester to tend to personal issues. GSSC will be looking for someone to step in as Chief of Policy in the near future.

The Campus Life Committee announced five upcoming GSSC events:

  • Hanukkah event on December 2, 2021
  • Lerner Pub for Seniors in Ancell Plaza on December 4, 2021
  • Board Game Study Night on December 9, 2021
  • NYC Tours on December 4, 2021 and December 11, 2021
  • Senior Party in Ancell Plaza on December 10, 2021

To conclude the meeting, GSSC passed a motion to allocate $3500 from the first-year budget to create first-year welcome packs for the spring semester. These welcome packs will include two pencils, two pens, sticky notes, a Gummy Bear pack, and a GSSC-branded folder and tote bag. They will also include a welcome message, written by the Communications team.

To read more about the two platforms of the Health and Wellness Representatives, check out the meeting minutes.

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