This week’s agenda included votes on changes to Articles I and II of the GSSC Constitution, faculty nominations, and co-sponsorship of Columbia Chabad’s Shabbat dinner.

Student Body President Serengeti Timungwa (GS ‘22) began this meeting by welcoming counsel members the meeting. She promptly handed the floor to Vice President of Policy Nasser Obetallah (GS ’25) to discuss 2022 faculty awards.

Obetallah says that students will nominate and vote on any instructor or administrator that they feel deserves recognition for their work. He says that in the past very few students have participated in the nomination process, so interested students should keep an eye out and attend the nomination meeting hosted by GSSC.

Timungwa then handed it over to the Vice President of Campus Life Cole Wagner (GS ’22) and First-Year Class President Faith Grady (GS ’24) to discuss a GSSC sponsored trip to Williamsburg. Grady says that there will be a Metro program and a partnership with Hungarian Pastry Shop to provide coffee included with the trip.

Obetallah then took the floor to discuss proposed by-law amendments. In this meeting, GSSC voted on changes to Articles I and II of the GSSC Constitution. Throughout the rest of the semester, GSSC will continue to vote on further changes to the Constitution. Obetallah cites the proposed changes as stemming from a lack of updates to the Constitution for the past 4-5 years, causing some sections to lose relevance.

There is a 3/5 majority required for all changes to the Constitution. Articles I and II of the by-laws, which were subject to change during this GSSC meeting, describe members and membership in GSSC.

Regarding Article I, the first proposed amendment will change the wording of this Article from using “Officers” to using “Voting Members.” This amendment was passed. The next proposed amendment in Article I will replace the word “Associates” with “Non-Voting Members.” This amendment was also passed.

Moving to Article II, the first proposed amendment to this Article will remove an erroneous addition to the responsibilities of the Community Services and Sustainability Representative to keep a ledger of the first-year class spending. This amendment was passed. The next proposed amendment will add a statement to the President’s job description, which specifies that the President is a voting member but only in the event of a tie. This amendment was passed.

Finally, Zachary Becker (CC ’22), the Treasurer of the Chabad Student Network, presented a proposal for the GSSC co-sponsorship of the Shabbat Dinner that will be held on Friday, March 25. Becker explained that the overall cost of Shabbat dinner is generally $2,500 and requested a $2,100 sponsorship from GSSC. In exchange, 60% of seats at Shabbat dinner will be reserved exclusively for GS students. Becker projects that overall, the dinner will have 3/4 GS attendance.

The meeting concluded with Timungwa adjourning to executive session in order to vote on the potential sponsorship request.

GSSC banner via Bwarchives