I turned the emo up to 100 for this one.

Just a week ago I was hundreds of miles away

from this incredible institution that’s made my brain decay.

I wasn’t somewhere warm, the sky still filled with winter drear

but it brought me joy to know that at least I wasn’t here.

Alas, I’m back on campus now for another month or two.

I plan on sitting, lying, and lounging – as if I don’t have stuff to do.

Yet one thing keeps me tethered here and fills my heart with glee;

it’s the thought of seeing the faces of Bwoggers staring back at me.

Even as I avoid commitments in favor of staying in bed

I would never miss an Open Meeting – I’d rather be caught dead.

So if you want to survive these few weeks without losing your mind,

just stop by Bwog’s Open Meeting tonight, which will start sharply at nine.

Come to tonight’s Open Meeting at 9 pm! Please email editors@bwog.com for the meeting location!

me rn via PXHere