CCSC convened in the Satow room to review expansion survey results and conduct E-board office hours.

This Sunday’s CCSC meeting kicked off with E-board and individual updates. Notably, VP Policy Krishna Menon (CC ‘22) shared that the Academic Affairs survey went out this past week, and because the number of responses has been sparse, he asked CCSC members to begin flyering around campus to remind students to take the survey. On a related note, President Rads Mehta (CC ‘22) relayed that there were a total of 2,900 responses to the long-awaited expansion survey that went out on March 29 and that they would go over them together as a general body once individual updates concluded. Elsa Chung (CC ’23) noted that the Deantini send-off on Monday, April 4 was a success and that another event to look forward to is the Night Carnival on April 21, which will have bubble tea, churros, popcorn, and more. Additionally, residence halls will be hosting booths, there will be live music, and later that night there will be an event hosted at Slate, a downtown evening venue. There were few individual updates, as the Satow room was more empty than usual this week because a number of members had tested positive and were isolating.

The major item on this week’s agenda was the Expansion Survey results and the next steps regarding those results. President Mehta first explained that the survey results are preliminary. There was a common trend in the responses, indicating that most students who took the survey are not in favor of expansion and believe that their on-campus experience and access to resources would be negatively impacted by it. Additionally, there were quite a bit of free responses from student leaders who said that they often have trouble finding locations for events in student spaces, and this obstacle would only be exacerbated by expansion. President Mehta noted that there is a data team at Columbia that is analyzing the data and will provide a more comprehensive report of the survey responses, which will be shared with Bwog and other student groups who would like access to it once it is finished. 

While this week’s meeting ended early, members were invited to stay longer for office hours with the E-board but all were free to go a little before 9 pm.

See you next week!

Lerner Hall via Bwog Archives