ESC is working on a survey regarding the potential undergraduate expansion.

The meeting began with time for council members to review the CCSC letter to the board of trustees regarding FGLI concerns discussed last week. University Senator Elias Tzoc-Pacheco (‘23) noted that it might be worth emphasizing difficulties in student access to funding for programs and research. He explained that he has heard from multiple students who did not get funding for summer programs abroad or got funding that they found insufficient. This inadequate funding limits students’ abilities to take advantage of all the opportunities the university offers.

The council then moved on to discuss a draft of a survey for SEAS students regarding undergraduate expansion. Members reviewed CCSC’s survey and discussed what they might do differently. This included editing questions about the core and other academics to be more SEAS specific. 

Several council members expressed the importance of ensuring that questions do not lead students to favor or oppose expansion. Another point that multiple members raised was that the survey should be short enough that students are willing to fill it out.

Class of 2022 President Estevan Mesa (‘22) suggested adding a question about students’ experiences with Columbia-sponsored programs to see NYC, such as the ticket lottery program for Broadway shows.

Council members also identified several questions about the potential expansion plan that could use clarification, including questions concerning housing, dining, renovations, and the hiring of professors.

The meeting continued with position updates. VP Policy Angel Mancera (‘23) said that in his meeting with Dean Kromm, she told him that soon, students will be able to have one non-Columbia guest in their dorms. VP Student Life Matthew Wahl (‘23) reiterated the success of the SEAS Gala event and shared that the $4,000 raised through the event will likely be donated to the Columbia Food Pantry.

Lerner via Bwog Archives