Welcome to Best Blooms, Bwog’s semi-regular roundup of the Barnumbia plants that week and focusing on Barnard’s Arthur Ross Greenhouse. Email science@bwog.com if you want your flower featured!

In this inaugural Best Blooms entry, I visited Barnard’s Arthur Ross Greenhouse. The greenhouse is located on the roof of Milbank hall and accessible through the fourth floor. During my visit, I snagged a photo of what I thought were some of the coolest plants there that week.

Medinilla myriantha

Also known as Malaysian Orchid or Malaysian Grape! However, Medinilla myriantha is neither Malaysian nor an orchid/grape. Instead, they are endemic to the Philippines and are semi-epiphytic (can live either as an epiphyte—live on the surface of the other plant—or as an independent organism).

There’s something about the flowers—their shape, maybe their vibrant pink color—that feels extraterrestrial.

Mammillaria Pakinsonii

Owl Eye Cactus. I think this is my current top plant in the cactus plant bay. Mammillaria Pakinsonii is endemic to just about 2,500 square kilometers in central Mexico. This limited area of occurrence, along with fragmentation, illegal collection, and habitat destruction has made them endangered.

I like the small pink flowers along the top of the cactus. It feels like a flower crown. I also enjoy the smaller cacti on the side

A pitcher plant!

Barnard’s greenhouse has a carnivore tucked in the corner. Pitcher plants are two families of carnivorous plants with leaves known as pitfall traps. These leaves trap prey for the plant to digest. I did not happen to catch the exact species of this plant, but I will next time! My guess is Nepenthes truncata based on coloration and pitcher shape.

Oreocereus trollii

Given the lay name of Old Man of the Mountain. I see it! Oreocereus trolli is native to the Andes Mountain region of South America. Personally, the cactus reminds me of Cousin Itt from The Addams Family.

All Photos (many plants!) via Author