Columbia and New York City are packed with amazing culture and inspiring art, and there’s never been a better time to experience it first-hand. “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.

Your event wasn’t included in Where Art Thou? Send us an email at and we’ll be sure to include you! Throughout the year, we do our best to promote arts at Columbia and Barnard to the entire student community, and the best way to make sure your event gets promoted and covered is by reaching out to us.

DISCORDANCE at Open Online Theatre Festival 2022

  • November 25, 3 to 3:30 pm, online 
  • A hybrid dance performance combining a dancer onstage at the London Rich Mix Theatre and a dancer joining virtually from New York at Barnard’s Movement Lab, with the virtual world projected in the background. You can join via livestream. 

Music Monday at the Forum

  • November 21, 6 to 7 pm, The Forum at Columbia University
  • This month’s concert will feature the Sing Harlem Choir.

Turkey via Bwarchives