A small conversation with an even smaller subject.

Late at night, as the stacks were closing, I collected my books to head home. As I turned, a dull golden light from an ornate wooden case caught my eye. I had never noticed, but there is a helpful model of Butler within Butler on the right hand of the third floor of butler, directly across from the stairs. In this model, several bronze figures reside. I found it to be my duty to ask them about the secrets of the library:

Hello, thank you so much for talking to Bwog. I’m sure you have some great insights about this school.

The strange bronze figurines in the model of Butler inside Butler: …

Let me start this off with a few questions about your life. When did you start attending Columbia?


Wow, The Class of 1934? I’m sure you have a lot to say then! What was campus life like back then? I know there’s a sense on campus now that too that it’s very easy to get sucked in the Columbia bubble, do you have a sense that that’s always been the case for students?


That’s true, a bubble is easier to get through than this literal glass pane. 


I appreciate that optimism. I’d agree that there are few places I’d prefer to be trapped for eternity than a library. Can you tell me more about the other bronze figurines you’ve spent so long with?


I can see it. Those ones on the eighth floor next to the assigned study cubicles seem pretty close as well.


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. It must be painful to have to be here with your ex for so long. Do you have any friends here at least?


Oh yeah, it looks like he’s over near the coffee bar and lounge already. I don’t want to delay you too long from joining them, but would you be willing to quickly answer a few more questions about the library?


Thanks. What’s your favorite room?


Not what I would’ve gone with, but I can see it. Do you ever see any special exhibits?


Not even the Rare Books and Manuscript room within the model?


Well, I would highly recommend it. One last question about the library: do you find it easy to navigate Clio and the library system?


That’s true, Bwog did write a useful guide. And the Library’s own website is pretty great too.


I hate to cut you off, but it’s getting a bit late and I don’t want to keep you from your friends. Are there any final remarks you would like to say?


That’s a great insight. Have a great night.


After I waved goodbye to the figurines and left Butler, I could see Alma Mater presiding over campus. On her lap sits a book. I wondered if she, too, had gone to the library once before and if she had talked with the figurines as well. Perhaps the next time I am in Butler I will ask.

Butler Directory via Bwog Staff