All the reasons—from A to Z—that you should come to Bwog’s opening meeting: join us tonight at 9 pm, we’re in Lerner 510.

All across Amsterdam avenue, affections are

Brewing, building, amplifying ambition—Barnumbia students begging to attend Bwog’s meeting.

Columbia’s student news blog, celebrated for its clever short forms and

Daily posting and also distinct for its devilish licks, dean naming contests, and diverse articles that

Everyone on campus has eyed at least once.

Frankly, Bwog is fantastic. For it is a

Great, gregarious, group with the coveted goods: green grapes. 

Help yourself to a hearty handful, but only

If you intend to attend Bwog’s initial open meeting.

Just be warned, the journey is a joyous jaunt.  

Keen to kick it with us? No kidding, how kind! The key is we keep assembling in 

Lerner 510, the loveliest of lounges where we draft our lineup. It’s a

Miraculous meeting; you’re bound to make a friend or maybe even two.

Nay—Nine! Nine new comrades. Truly, there is nothing finer than Bwog’s

Open meeting. Oh! Outrageous or ostentatious,

Perhaps I am (let’s not pretend), but ponder for your pleasure— 

Question its quixotism. Or come quickly to the quaint crew across the quad!

Rest assured, at Bwog you will get rest and can relax; we don’t raze. Writing isn’t meant to 

Stress. Simply put, Bwog seeks to strengthen skills and strike a smile in our staff. So, 

Thinking of attending? Then time tonight right! Turn up to this meeting—

Undergo what may uplift your undergraduate universe and

Veer into the voluptuous and visually striking building for a vibrant collective.

What are you waiting for? Writing wanderer, walk within the lit

Xyst, that extravagant axis that exalts 116th.

You won’t regret it. Come yonder for Bwog’s first open meeting this year.

Zipping with zeal, you’ll leave with your mind ablaze.

Paris By Night (1904) by Konstantin Alexeevich Korovin via Artvee