One Bwogger’s Ode to a dropped class.

Physics for Poets / you Prince / I am not a math person / I hate factoring / so you can Imagine / I am not great with derivatives /

I should have known / when Professor Marka / said we would “teach ourselves the problems at home and learn / the theory in class” /

/ that this was not going to be fun / for me /

Teach OURSELVES the problems? / Professor Marka / I am a fan / of your button-downs / and laser pointer / but this is a lot of effort / honestly / to fulfill a Foundational

Requirement / Please, let me be clear /

/ I don’t suspect this class is hard / for the average /

student / it was just really hard / for me / to type exponents in a google doc / and

I will miss / Experiments with Ken / (Ken came to every class to perform / Experiments / and they all / were very cool) / Ken brought twenty pounds of Equipment per ten seconds of Experiment / and once

he strapped himself / to a fire extinguisher / on a filing cart / and shot across the classroom /

like a rocket / He is my Hero /

Physics for Poets was full of / Drama / like when Ken splashed / Professor Marka with a hose / on accident /

and when I told my Mom / I was taking a Physics class / and she said / are you sure /

Thanks for the vote of confidence / Mom /

I had to write / an Experiment Proposal / and wanted to build a catapult / out of popsicle sticks / and rubber bands / and record what objects / flew the farthest /

/ Now that I have said farewell / To Physics, the prince

/ the world may never know / if a marble / flies farther

/ then the small rubber ball / my dentist gave me

/ scientists everywhere / mourn /

Header via Wikimedia Commons