Don’t want to spend Valentine’s alone this year? Look no further, Bwog is here to help you find that perfect date.

  1. Sidechat: Forget Tinder and those other appearance-based apps, try the anonymous way! Just post that you are looking for love and include any units of measurement or qualifications you find relevant. Everyone loves a blind date or a little bit of mystery so this is a great way to secure a date.
  2. Go back to your class admitted students page! For example, if you are a freshman, scroll through Columbia Class of 2026 until you see someone you like, then slide into their DMs. I suggest starting with “Hey! Congrats on getting into Columbia! We have so much in common, I also like nights in but also going out. Let’s do that together!”
  3. Find your soulmate in the unbearably long Peet’s/Liz’s line: With the new merger, you will inevitably find yourself waiting around anyway, so why not make use of the time? If you are really feeling a connection you could even pay for their coffee with your dining points, now that’s true infatuation.
  4. The Columbia tunnels: Looking for a love that is truly radioactive? One that breaks all the rules and pushes you to the brink of bodily endangerment while fulfilling your deepest desires? Look no further than the tunnels!
  5. The library: People LOVE when you interrupt their studying in a silent room to hit on them. Fulfill those Butler crush dreams today and make your move!

Hearts via Bwog Archives