The two firms behind the casino bid say the theater and restaurant opponents are “being dramatic.”

Happening in the World: Australian climate protest group Rising Tide demanded the cancellation of all new coal projects by climbing on a train carrying coal and shoveling cargo from the wagons. Around 50 activists participated in the demonstration and have been arrested in the Australian state of New South Wales. (BCC

Happening in the US: The historical society in Michigan’s upper peninsula announced that it has found two of three boats belonging to the Edward Hines Lumber Company that had mysteriously disappeared in 1914. These boats are only a small portion of the sunken ships that line the bottom of Lake Superior’s “Graveyard of the Great Lakes,”: but they mark an important accomplishment of the research and discovery projects that search for sunken ships in he lakes. (NYT

Happening in NYC: “No Times Square Casino” Community Coalition, a group of Broadway theater owners, producers, and Times Square restaurants, including Sardi’s and Orso, is trying to block a bid for a new gambling hub in Times Square. They say that casinos are intentionally designed to keep visitors indoors, at the slots, and eating at in-house restaurants. “No matter how much emphasis promoters try to place on glitz and glamor, a casino in Times Square has the potential to unravel the fabric of the theater district and jeopardize the fate of its restaurants,” Sardi’s owner Max Klimavicius said in a statement to the Gothamist. (Gothamist

Happening in our community: On Monday from 5 to 7 pm in Pulitzer Hall, three journalists will be discussing their experiences covering and accurately depicting antisemitism in a conversation titled “How To Cover Antisemitism (And How Not To).” The event is open to the public in the Jamail Lecture Hall. 

Times Square via Bwarchive