Learn all about podcast workshops, sea cocaine, and flu shots in today’s Bwoglines!

Happening in the World: Approximately two tons of cocaine were found off the eastern coast of Sicily. The Italian police estimate that the amount of cocaine was worth about €400 million. At the moment investigators believe that a cargo ship purposefully left these bundles of cocaine in the sea for another ship to retrieve at a later time. In total, the Italian police retrieved 1600 packages of cocaine. This situation is still under investigation and no other information is available at this time. (ABC)

Happening in the US: The CDC recently updated their data on flu activity, labeling it as “low” across the nation. Preliminary data shows that the only state with a high level of of the flu was in New Mexico. 36 of the US states reported minimal activity of flu like illnesses. Despite this optimistic numbers, the CDC still recommends the influenza vaccine in order to prevent this illness from increasing.(US News)

Happening in NYC: The City Council is pushing to increase funding for public school arts. They want a $79.9 million increase in budget for the arts in New York City schools. After last summer’s $375 million budget cuts, many council members are hopeful that their proposed increase in budget will allow schools to fill more arts related positions and allow for music, art, theater, and dance to have a larger space in NYC public education.(Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: The Music and Arts Library is joining the broader Columbia University Libraries to host a podcast audio editing workshop. This program will focus on the basics of Audacity, which is a free to use audio editing software. Reserve your spot here to join the workshop in the Seminar Room of the Music and Arts Library ( 701 Dodge) from 11:30 am-1:30 pm.

A Swiss singer but we’re pretending he’s podcasting via Wikimedia Commons