You, too, could spend multiple hours staring out your massive window, watching the blue sky and busting quad, feeling the AC on your skin. This is peace.
Location: Barnard Quad, 3009 Broadway
Nearby dorms: Reid Hall, Brooks Hall, Hewitt Hall–also pretty close to the 600s and Elliot Hall.
Nearby dining hall: Hewitt
Nearby stores: Halal cart, food trucks, Shake Shack, Pret, Morton Williams, Sweetgreen… pretty much all the shops on Broadway.
Cost for 2022-2023: $11,738
Amenities: Very easy access to all the amenities on Barnard’s campus! These include Primary Care, Furman Counseling Center, and the Brooks study lounge. There are three (relatively soundproof) music rooms in the basement of Sulz and two computer lounges with printers. Sulz is also a quick (read: 30 seconds) jaunt away from Hewitt Dining Hall.
- Bathrooms: There are two bathrooms (one woman-only and one gender-inclusive) on each floor that each has three stalls and three showers. They are cleaned by facilities on weekdays. If a quad bathroom is full (and I’ve found they almost never are) there is easy access to all other quad bathrooms.
- AC/Heating: Sulz is the only first-year dorm with AC! And adjustable heating in the winter. It’s all one system that will switch over around October.
- Lounges: Each floor has a lounge with couches, a TV, and a kitchenette. The kitchenettes don’t have a fridge, though, so if you want perishable or frozen food you might want to invest in a mini fridge.
- Laundry: Two washers and two dryers per floor and access to a larger laundry room on Sulz 8. There are also machines on the Reid side of the quad (one drier and two washers), but those have been largely non-operational this year. It’s generally a competitive laundry atmosphere, but you’ve just got to find creative times to get your laundry done. My roommate does hers at 8 am. All machines are free!
- Printing: Two computer lounges in the basement with 4 printers cumulatively.
- Elevators: Two elevators, and access to the Reid/Brooks elevators as well.
- Storage: Each roommate has a large wardrobe with a lower drawer, a desk with storage and two shelves, and two three-drawer dressers.
Room Variety: Corridor-style doubles and triples.
Bwog Recommendation: Sulzberger is a wonderful place to live! The AC can be your savior on a muggy September day, and two bathrooms per floor mean you’ll virtually always have access to a shower. The doubles are new-feeling with beautiful, big windows and a substantial windowsill perfect for plants, rows of books, or other trinkets. With two dressers, big desk drawers, and a deep wardrobe, you’ll have plenty of room to store belongings, even if you overpack. It’s a social dorm and the lounge is usually full of people studying or talking. Overall, I’ve had a lovely time in Sulzberger. The windows let in lots of natural night and I’ve had fun decorating my affixed bulletin board. The standard Sulz doubles are very spacious, too–my roommate and I have no problem cohabitating and taking care of our respective sides. Plus, it’s super convenient to be so close to the lounge and just an elevator ride away from the computer labs and printers. Sulz has had some mice problems this year, but this might be par for the course in an NYC dorm.
Resident Opinions:
- “Sulz is amazing and the AC saved me in September. The showers aren’t always consistent, but if you can wait out a colder-temp week then a hot-temp week will be just around the corner.”
- “The windows are beautiful and the lighter-shade linoleum and furniture make the room feel bigger and brighter than it actually is. The rooms feel very dormy, as opposed to Reid which feels a little cozier and homier, but they’re so nice that it doesn’t even matter.”
- “Laundry is hell but that’s a quad-wide issue. People are very nice and you’ll probably make friends with others on your floor. The lounge is busy in the evening but so convenient if you want to microwave food or get water.”
- “I loved Sulz!!! Best dorm on campus! You can’t beat the AC and the windows and the lounge. Would definitely recommend bringing a big rug if you can!”
- Living in Sulz is such a wonderful experience. Aside from the infrequent mouse sightings and occasional bathroom mishaps, Sulz definitely has the best amenities and room layouts.”
- “Sulz is the cocky gifted teenager of the quad family because she knows she’s the best and she won’t shut up about it.” — salty Brooks resident
Sulz lounge Sulz double waiting to be decorated
Half of a Sulz double ft. the weird empty nook by the window Sulz .5 edition <3
Images via Bwog Archives