Every edition should be bunny edition!

Bwogline: Amidst major flooding in California, a team from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been evacuating endangered riparian brush rabbits. As nearby rivers flood, the small cottontails become stranded on what little high ground remains of the Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge. So far the team has saved 360 rabbits! (NPR)

Study Tip: Find a podcast about whatever you are studying. For me it’s been the podcast “Shakespeare For All.” Actually a very useful way to study and makes me feel productive even when I’m not really studying. I even got to flex my skills at trivia night and my Shakespearean knowledge came in handy to get us first place!

Music of the Day: “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan. I’ve been back on my folky music binge and I don’t think the strange weather is helping.  

Procrastination Tip: Go to the math library (or any other rather obscure bibliophilic location) and find strange books, such as the Ukranian and Usbek mathematical journals from 1962 and revel in the fact that you are probably the first person to have touched these pages in 40 years. Another fun idea for the eerily empty math library (where I spent most of my yesterday) is to play on the stairs in the stacks. I recommend swinging back and forth and dangling your legs. They are surprisingly sturdy, but I guess that’s what you get from engineers. Can you jump down all 12 steps? Can you get yourself upside down? I did! Figure it out! And hey, it’s empty so no one will see!

Overseen/Overheard: Raccoons. Like everywhere it seems. Are they the new rats?

Bunny via Wikimedia Commons