When will Bwog get a Pulitzer?

Bwogline: The 2023 Pulitzer Prize winners were announced yesterday by Columbia University. Among the honorees were the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Associated Press. Barbara Kingsolver and Hernan Diaz won the prize in fiction for their novels Demon Copperfield and Trust, and Hua Hsu won the prize in memoir for Stay True. (New York Times)

Study Tip: Don’t be afraid to communicate with your professor about what you need. If you’re working on a paper, reach out for feedback on your thesis idea or your intro paragraph. Ask for an extension if you know that a little bit of extra time will help you do better work. (Most) professors want to see your best work, and are happy to help you get there. Be respectful when you email and throw in a few words about how much you loved their class!

Music of the Day: It’s always a good time to revisit Adele’s 21. Currently on loop: “Don’t You Remember.” Something about a heart-wrenching ballad is good for study stress catharsis.

Procrastination Tip: Go for a walk without your phone or wallet (but bring your ID so you don’t get locked out). Taking in your surroundings and getting some fresh air without built-in distractions will allow you to unwind and clear your head, but separation from your stuff will ensure that you don’t stay away from work for too long.

Overseen/Overheard: A surprising(?) amount of people doing Tai Chi on the lawns in front of Lewisohn.

Pulitzer Hall via Columbia J School