I trace it all back to then—me, the summer, and the Seine.

Bwog in Bed: A key feature of Paris’s 2024 Summer Olympics is that many aquatic events will be held in the Seine—the river of France’s capital city. To prepare for this, engineers have radically transformed the plumbing infrastructure to make the Seine clean for racing athletes. To the joy of city residents, this feature has a future beyond the international competition; after the flame leaves Parisians can also enjoy the river as a place to swim, something they haven’t been able to legally do since 1923. (New York Times)

Study Tip: The past will eat you alive; the future will save you. What’s done is done. Do not dwell on it, it is immovable and self-torturous. What is liberating is taking a step forward. Enjoy your summer, Columbia.

Music of the Day: Lovegod by Colombia’s own Sarah Kinsley. It’s ethereal, dream-like, and sight projection-inducing. It was released only yesterday.

Procrastination Tip: Watch a documentary; if you’re going to waste time why not learn at the same time? I recommend Unnatural Selection, a film about the state of genetic engineering around 2019, and Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution, a film about Camp Jened—a camp for teens with disabilities and an intersectional meeting point for activists of the Disability rights movement. Both are on Netflix, and both received the elusive 5/5 stars on my Letterboxd.

Overseen/Overheard: Silence—rural New England has that over Morningside Heights.

La Seine (1892) by Charles Guilloux via Artvee